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iDiots: A Funny Satire that Makes you Think

I like animations and stop motion clips as much as the next person, but rarely do I get to see one that makes me laugh as much as the one I’m about to show you did. While there are some minor exaggerations here and there, but you have to admit it hits quite close to home. I’ll just leave the ... Read More »

Galaxy Note 3: 10.000 mAh for 60 Dollars

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 – a great device that takes up a great amount of space. While this phone had some really nice features in it, there were those that claimed its battery was insufficient. Granted, its 3200 mAh battery wasn’t the biggest battery out there, it did the job and offered a hefty lifespan too ( come to ... Read More »

Largest Tech Giants Say NO to Surveillance

I feel like this is actually becoming a contemporary problem. A few years back we had to deal with that SOPA and ACTA and whatever they were called problems. I personally blame the paranoia of the government: they were unable to censor or restrict access to information, so they decided to simply monitor them all instead. That’s not fine, no ... Read More »

Assassin’s Creed Pirates

It hasn’t been all that long since the release of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, and Ubisoft has already decided to release another version of their game for mobile platforms such as phones and tablets with both Android and iOS. Still, before saying ANYTHING about this game, there’s one small detail to talk about: this is an Assassin’s Creed game ... Read More »

Nexus 5: Android OS v4.4.1 KitKat Update

The Google Nexus 5 is soon to receive the Android OS v4.4.1 KitKat update and it’s quite a promising update, one that focuses quite a bit on the camera. This information was taken from an interview for The Verge held by Google’s Director of Engineering, David Burke. He confirmed that this next update will bring vast improvements to the camera ... Read More »

Amazon Kindle: Record Sales

The Amazon Kindles, a pretty neat brand of Android E-Book Readers, has managed to sell a record number of Kindle devices yet again. This should come as no surprise, for they’ve been doing well with the Kindle devices from the start. The price was GREAT ( I mean 200 dollars for a tablet with that hardware configuration at the time ... Read More »

Droid World returns to San Francisco

Droid World are always a must-see draw and at Apps World North America this February, Droid World, which is free to attend, is set to be as big an attraction as ever. There will be a number of top speakers confirmed already, including representatives from Expedia, Target, The Weather Channel, Google, Orange, and SwiftKey. Day one will see Tony Donohoe, ... Read More »

No More HTC One Mini in the UK

The Taiwanese company known as HTC just can’t seem to catch a brake nowadays. Just when they started to rectify their yearly financial issues ( that seemed to be recurring each year ) and seemed to be pulling themselves out of the dirt with the profits from their HTC One flagship, a company like Nokia has to come up and ... Read More »

Oppo R1: Leaks and Claims Revolutionary Night-Camera

A manufacturer known as Oppo, as you might have guessed from the title of this post, has made some interesting claims. They started leaking pieces of information about their newest phone – the Oppo R1. There have been many teasers out lately and most of them seem to be hinting at a revolutionary new night-shot system ( unfortunately, my expectations ... Read More »

LG G Flex: Going Global

The LG G Flex was a pretty marvelous invention, though it was somewhat expensive and a bit limited. Now, at least, one of those things will be removed – the limited part, to clarify. As of next month, as the title of this little article would suggest, the LG G Flex is going global. Initially, it will just be spread ... Read More »

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