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Android built-in apps vs apps from market

The Android market is full of apps that do the same thing, and most of them do the same thing as the apps you have on your phone by default. The most common title for all these is: “better”. Better keyboard, better phonebook, better everything. Are they really better ? In my opinion, most of them are better, but that ... Read More »

Building Android Apps Have Never Been Easier

Google launched the App inventor for Android. Great news: this means that building Android apps is easier. Why ? Because it is full visual and you can build your app by dragging and drop elements in the workspace. It’s main use is for education. Think about how was the first time when you used a visual programming medium.   Read More »

Android 3.0 to come in October

Android is moving fast, the version 3.0 is rumored to be launched this autumn. Usually when a software change the prefix it should be a major update, but lately, software developers change the prefix often so that their visitors will think it is much improved. What Android 3.0 comes with ? There will be some minimum hardware that is supported, ... Read More »

Swype, the fastest way to type

How fast can you type on your computer keyboard ? Well, if you have some training you can type very fast. If you use the Internet constantly you will find out that you can type much faster than you write on paper, or at least same as fast as you talk. Pretty impressive, you can say that the keyboard is ... Read More »

Meebo for Android

You like instant messages a lot ? YM, ICQ, MSN ? Well, if you do you need a good Android app that make this very easy for you. While yahoo probably will never make an android app for messenger, we have to look at alternative solutions Read More »

WordPress for Android

We all love Android Smartphones and the mobility we have with a mobile phone that can do whatever we want: visit websites, check mail, check facebook, etc. Would you like to be able to manage your website from your phone ? Now it’s very popular to tweet from the mobile phone, but that is simple. Managing your website is a ... Read More »

Google Nexus One

The Nexus One  phone is made by HTC too, and we already know that HTC is good at making phones. Why is this phone different ? It is the only one with “Google” in it’s name. This means that it is Google preferred phone and Google are the creators of Android. Practically this phone is taken as a standard for ... Read More »

HTC Desire

In simple words: a great phone. What makes this phone so great ? Everything: Top Operating System, Android provided by Google. A great user interface developed internally by HTC, called Sense UI and a great hardware inside. With Android Operating System you have hundred of thousands applications available to use, from simple compass or shopping list to apps that let you effectively manage your bills, your facebook or twitter account. Read More »

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