In April 2010 I bought my first Android powered smartphone, when it first became available in my country. I was one of the first Android users in my area. It was only 6 years since I first used a mobile phone. I […]
Today I’ll be telling you a thing or two about the Nokia X, or the Nokia Normandy, depending on how you want to look at it ( both names apply, but stores in my area sell it under the Nokia X name, […]
It’s no big secret that Nokia is owned by Microsoft now, and whether that’s good or not remains to be discussed ( I’ll do that at some point in time – weight the advantages and disadvantages, so keep a look-out for that […]
While this website may be oriented towards Android, I do believe it is high time we take a brief look at what the competition is doing, especially when it is related to the topics at hand. Now it’s no big secret to […]
The CEO of Nokia, as well as other people who are glad that Nokia finally chose to go with a competitive OS and leave Symbian behind, think that WP7 was Nokia’s best choice for survival and growth. I beg to differ.