Google Glass may have been withdrawn temporarily from the consumer market, but is Sony SmartEyeglass ready to take its place? The android wearable market is becoming as tough as the market for mobile casinos, so will Sony be able to set themselves […]
The Sony Xperia E1 – one of the newest low-budget phones from Sony. Off-the-bat, I think I should mention that this device is also available with a Dual-SIM – that version being called the Sony Xperia E1 Dual – but from a technical point […]
Following on from the highly successful Sony Xperia smartphone, the popular household electronics manufacturer has now brought out a tablet which looks set to become its highest rated so far. With specs which far outstrip the company’s previous tablet computer offerings, the […]
There has long been a competition between the smartphone manufacturer. However, with Samsung and Apple being as they are, they pretty much cover the wide majority of things to be gained. To put it into perspective, Samsung and Apple are the titans […]
It has been rumored around the internet that we will soon be seeing an OS from Mozilla. I have seen this OS in some photos and a few descriptions and I can honestly state that it’s nothing if not interesting. Do they […]