A lot of talk has been found on the internet about Amazon’s smartphone for a while now – and if they follow the same example as they did with their Kindle tablets, I’m sure they’ll make quite a hit. You see, the […]
As you may already know ( if not, here’s a little reminder ), the retailing mega-giant known as Amazon thought it wise to try and get into the smartphone field, based on the wide success of their tablet ( which was intended to […]
Amazon, one of the top online retailing titans to date, has always had a knack of cutting a profit some way or another. When they decided to get into the tablet business with their “semi-tablet” Kindle e-book readers, they received mixed results. […]
We’ve heard about a rumored Amazon tablet for a while now, and to be honest I think everyone expected one, not only after iPad launched, but also after the B&N Nook Color launched. After the success of the Nook Color, I would’ve […]
We’ve kept hearing for months that Google will launch a music streaming service, but we’ve also heard about delays upon delays, probably because it takes a long time to sign deals with the labels. It’s true that Amazon’s new Cloud Player seems […]