It has been some time since I’ve seen an enjoyable strategy game for Android devices. Now, it all sort of depends on the view of each individual of what strategy means. There may be others out there in other genres as well, […]
Remember those good old days when you were a kid and used to play with all your friends with trading cards of all shapes and sizes? Personally, I’ll never forget those Yu-Gi-Oh days and will always hold those memories quite dear. I […]
Same as with the Dark Knight Rises game, don’t get your hopes up for this one unless you have a really strong phone / tablet. Heck, there’s a minor issue with this game to take into consideration, and since you’re probably going […]
Before getting your hopes up, know that this game isn’t for everyone. I don’t mean that in terms of it being violent or anything like that ( it is, but it’s not bloody – Batman doesn’t kill ). The only disadvantage of […]
Once in a while, I too fancy a quick game of Monopoly with my friends. I don’t really like the mobile edition games of Monopoly as usually they take out all the realism from it with all sorts of ugly graphics and gameplay […]