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HTC One Max: Video Teaser

There’s been talk all over the internet about the HTC One Max. Expectations are as high as ever, for both users and developers, for this phone considering the HTC One has been the number one bread-earner of HTC for some time now. With expectations being so high, HTC decided to go on a high note and release a trailer for ... Read More »

Samsung Galaxy Folder – Images Available

The Samsung Galaxy Folder, as its name would suggest, is a new innovation from Samsung which tries to combine to the newer and older tech into something “new”. As strange as that would sound , you’ll get more clarity once you see how the phone looks. Below I’ll post a picture of what it looks like from multiple perspectives: As you ... Read More »

HTC One X+ Update

It would have appeared that HTC’s focus was mostly the HTC One as that was the main money-earner, but this latest move would suggest that the rest have not been forgotten. The HTC One X+, as the name of this article suggests, has received an update as well – an Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update with a HTC Sense 5 topping ... Read More »

How easy is to play casino games on Android

If you have an Android phone and you like casino games, then you must count yourself lucky. Android became more and more popular every day. Financial data for the second quarter of 2013 shows that Android captured almost 80% of the smartphone market. There is no wonder why iPhone applications quantity and quality is stagnating, while the number of Android ... Read More »

Sony Sales, Small Profit Reported for June

Sony has officially ended its fiscal 2012 year on a high note and it is starting off 2013 in the black as well. The fiscal Q1 ( of April – June ) saw an increase in sales and operating revenue by 13% year after year and had a net profit of around 35 million dollars ( while it may not ... Read More »

HTC Expectations: Not a Good Q3 ?

HTC has only just recently managed to stabilize itself as it has been experiencing a major wave of bad luck. They managed to gain some ground in certain areas, but lose profit it others. While this may seem as normal behavior, for a few months they stagnated it the failure part of previously mentioned situation. Personally, I found that to ... Read More »

First True Octa-Core Processor

There has been a lot of hype about these processors for Android and how to make them stronger. If you ask me, they’re a bit overkill – as in too strong to be able to be used at their full potential, but that’s just my opinion. Thing is, apparently they’ve managed to develop one that is a tad stronger than ... Read More »

Galaxy Note III – Exynos 5 Equipped

There was a lot of talk about the new hardware of the Galaxy Note 3. There was a lot of talk about the Note 3 in general, now that you think of it, but a lot of it revolved around its hardware. Well, to be fair to everything, a lot of it revolved around the size of the Galaxy Note ... Read More »

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