Lately, a lot of Android users are frustrated by the quality of the Android Market. While the quality of the applications overpassed the ones that are created for iPhone, there are still a lot of people that are unsatisfied by official app marketplace. In this article, first I will analyze the reasons why people are unhappy using Android Market, then I will try to find an alternative to it.

Why people still hate Android Market.

Reading android news daily, I am able to compile a list of top 3 reasons why people hate Android market:

  • Applications are not roughly tested. On the official Android market, they put more value to featured apps than to popular or tested apps.
  • Search is awful. Despite Google can provide the best searching experience on the web, the Android market searching ability is weak. All the results are sorted based on title match with the keyword your search and does not take into account the rating or the popularity of the application. If a developer tries to brand its application, it will be shown in the search results fewer times than an application that has a perfect title match.
  • Review system is not moderated. Many times, instead of seeing a fair review, you see comments from people who are facing problems to install the application on a low device, or users who don’t know how to add a widget.

Is there any good alternative to Android Market ?

Since Android was launched until today, many websites trying to provide a list with all existent android apps were created. The android community rejected them because they never found the reason to use other website except official android market. But, today, Android is big enough for the competition to exist. While basic users, which consist in the majority of android users, will still use the official android market, experienced users will try to find better ways to find out about better apps.

A good alternative for Android market is AndroidPIT App Center. In my opinion, they provide a much better interface for searching and browsing applications. What I like the most is that their staff test and recommend good applications. Another great advantage is the ratings and comments placed by a great and experienced community.




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