3DiVi Inc launched a new Indiegogo campaign to fund the full body tracking system for VR headsets, called VicoVR. They are asking for $75,000 and they already got over $10,000 in the first day of the campaign. The VicoVR system is aimed […]
I’ve just received my newest Cardboard VR Kit from IMCardboard, and I am impressed by the experience I had with it. I’ve ordered it after others recommended it as one of the best VR Cardboard Kits. When I opened the package, I […]
Thanks in large part to the ever increasing processing and graphical power of many smartphones, VR compatibility has become one of the hottest trends over the last couple of years. Android based systems have been leading the way in accessibility largely thanks […]
While waiting for more affordable Dual camera phones to be available, I was thinking that there might be another alternative. You don’t actually need 2 cameras to take a 3d photo. You only need 2 photos taken from 2 different positions. At […]
I always wanted to watch movies on my smartphone. I don’t like big screens. I tried several times but I got tired very quickly. The screen is too small to view the movie at a decent distance, but if it is too […]