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Design Your Poster with Graphic Designer FotoJet

FotoJet is an all-in-one graphic tool, it makes collage making, banners designing and photo editing much easier. You can use it to finish your work within minutes. The design mode provides users plenty of templates to make all kinds of social platforms banners, flyer, poster and so on. Designer makes you look more like a professional designer. You can make ... Read More »

4 Common Smartphone Mishaps (and How to Fix Them)

There are lots of things that can happen to your smartphone that may leave you with a broken, damaged, or malfunctioning device. And as dependent as most of us have become on our smartphones for our day-to-day activities, a malfunctioning smartphone can leave you feeling like you’ve been deserted on a remote island with no connection to the outside world. ... Read More »

Wifi Switcher application

For Android users with large homes or office buildings, staying connected to fast and nearby wifi can be a chore. This is because Android doesn’t automatically switch to stronger wifi, it instead waits until you are completely out of range of your current connection. This can result in slow data transfer, and unnecessary use of mobile data. Luckily for those of ... Read More »

4 Savvy Smartphone Strategies to Protect Your Device

If you’re like most smartphone users, your smartphone is like another appendage. You feel lost without it, panic when you lose it, and suffer major anxiety when something devastating happens to your beloved device. As they say, prevention is the best medicine. Keeping your smartphone safe and well-protected is the key to avoiding these mishaps. These strategies will help you ... Read More »

Learn something new today with EM Random Knowledge

I used to think that the urge of learning new things is something that comes with youth, but now I see that I have the same passion to learn new things as I grow older. Henry Ford said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty”. While I try to be focused on learning something in my field, ... Read More »

Popularity of Games on Android

Android smartphones are more and more popular, and not only among teenagers. I tend to use my smartphone for business, and sometimes play some small casual games when I don’t have anything else to do. However, I can see a lot of people who are playing a lot on their phones. Games are becoming more and more advanced and despite ... Read More »

Get anonymous and protected with Jailbreak VPN

I know that you have nothing bad to hide, but there are still cases when you would like a certain website not to track you, or you don’t want to risk to get your password stolen by someone else when you are connecting to a public Wi-Fi. For such cases, you need to use a VPN to create an anonymous ... Read More »

Comprehensive Alphabet Game Adds Fun To Learning

Every parent knows how difficult it is to get their kids to concentrate on one topic for longer than 5-10 minutes. Kids have overactive minds, which tend to switch from one subject to another. This makes it a huge challenge to help them learn something. The Alphabet game: Learn Alphabet is an Android and iPad game that could address that ... Read More »

Unlocked vs Contract Phones

According to a poll made last year, 54% respondents change their phone only when it’s stop working, while 44% of them are changing it when the carrier allows it. Usually providers ask for a 2 year contract or installments plan, so if you are under contract and want to get a new phone you will have to pay the difference. Most ... Read More »

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