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Google launches Assistant, a real alternative to Siri

There are about five years since Apple announced Siri. Some people praised it while others made fun of it. During this time, is reported that less than 15% iphone users are using Siri, which is not good considering that it can be used as an assistant for everything. Maybe it was too early for this type of technology. Today, Google ... Read More »

Set your wallpaper directly from camera with AutoWall

Autowall is a brand new Android app that let’s you to quickly set up wallpaper by taking a picture. If you enjoy a view you can instantly set it to your wallpaper. There is no need to open the camera app and you can crop the picture beforehand. It is very simple, take a picture, crop it, and you’re done. ... Read More »

Linguee, the best android dictionary app

There are many dictionary apps you can use on your Android device, but from all I used, Linguee is the one I liked the most. The interface is so simple and the search is fast and give suggestions and results right while searching so you can explore many words that are related to what you type in the search box. ... Read More »

IMCardboard VR Cardboard Kit Review

I’ve just received my newest Cardboard VR Kit from IMCardboard, and I am impressed by the experience I had with it. I’ve ordered it after others recommended it as one of the best VR Cardboard Kits. When I opened the package, I was worried because it was too small and I tought that it will be hard to set-up, but ... Read More »

3 Android games for real money

There are more than 3 Android games for real money available today by a wide margin, but people are going to quickly choose all of their favorites after they have sampled what the gaming world today has to offer. It should be noted that Android phones are the most popular smartphones on the market at present. While iPhones and other ... Read More »

The Best Android Based VR Gaming Apps

Thanks in large part to the ever increasing processing and graphical power of many smartphones, VR compatibility has become one of the hottest trends over the last couple of years. Android based systems have been leading the way in accessibility largely thanks to Google’s Cardboard headset that allows a very affordable, yet slightly limited, VR experience and a genuine tester ... Read More »

ChromeOS gets Androidized

I always wondered why Google choose to make another operating system for laptops instead of making a different version of Android, but it doesn’t matter what it is called and what it is doing under the hood. The apps you can use with that operating system matters. Since now, we had chrome applications but they were pretty limited to browser ... Read More »

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