Toshiba has promised to make a great Android tablet that can run Flash very well, while being powered by an Nvidia Tegra 2 chip, before. But it seems they really mean business as they are saying their tablet will even surpass iPad 2 (not much to surpass there feature wise, except for thinness and weight).

This wasn’t the CEO of the company saying it, but one of their general managers, who’s also saying the tablet will be priced competitively. After all, what good is it if you have a much better spec’ed tablet, if it’s also going to cost a lot more? Consumers don’t want to spend more than $500 for a tablet, and most of them would only pay $200-$300, if there was a quality one for that price.

I hope Android manufacturers will realize by their 2nd wave of tablets (by winter holidays) that they must price their entry level tablets under $500, and be just as good or better than iPads. Why would most people buy a $500 tablet from Toshiba when iPad has a much stronger brand in modern tablets (they were the ones creating this market) and they offer a much larger app ecosystem? Just because it has a higher MP camera? I doubt it.

They need to undercut iPad on price and be at least as good, at least until Android ecosystem surpasses iOS. Then they’ll get their chance to price them equally or perhaps even slightly higher if their tablets are of equal or higher quality as well.

2 thoughts on “Toshiba Tablet to Be Better than Ipad 2 and Competitively Priced

  1. Anonymous

    It is not that hard to be better than iPad 2

  2. Nyghtowl

    “Why would most people buy a $500 tablet from Toshiba when iPad has a much stronger brand in modern tablets (they were the ones creating this market) and they offer a much larger app ecosystem? Just because it has a higher MP camera? I doubt it.”

    Well, here are a few reasons:
    1) iPad is severely lacking in many ways – not least of which is connectivity.
    2) iPad means that any user has to adopt Apples sick, twisted, unfair, misguided and childish way of “doing things”
    3) iPad uses Apples OS which is severely lacking, misjudged, “hacked BSD” and monolithic.
    4) Toshiba have a LONG history of creating VERY good mobile-computers – Apple do NOT.
    5) “A stronger brand”? Did you proof-read this article, or did you just shit words out of your fingers?
    6) Android has a much LARGER community developing both it (as an OS) and its apps.
    7) Apples business practices are scary, at best, but bordering on fanatical and closed, and NOT TO MENTION backward-thinking.

    Shit article
    Shit opinion
    Shit reviewer

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