If you’re into the SEO business, you probably know what StumbleUpon is. If you don’t, here’s the short version : this is, as its name suggests, a web-browsing item similar to Google that helps you find the best of everything.

Official Description :

StumbleUpon | Discover the Best of the Web.

StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that finds the best of everything that is out there on the web, recommended just for you. With a touch of the Stumble button, or swipe of your device’s screen, you’ll discover photos, videos and web pages recommended by friends and people sharing your interests. Pick from 500+ interests or enter a phrase in the Explore Box to see page after page of content. StumbleUpon learns what you like, so you only see what’s interesting to you from across the web.

With the Android app, you can discover interesting content wherever, whenever you want on your Android phone or tablet. See what others have liked as you explore web pages in any of your interests or top recommendations in Photos, Videos and News. Connect with friends by being the first to share content you like via email, StumbleUpon, Facebook or Twitter.

You can download this neat little app from the Android Market.

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