As a non-american, I must admit I had to Google the terms to find out what Cyber-Monday is, and if YOU too are non-american, you may as well stop reading right now. This little piece of good news is only oriented towards the people in the USA or that have access to Cyber-Monday, but considering it’s something that follows Thanksgiving Day and that’s a strictly American celebration, well, just use logic and figure it out for yourself.
Anyway, this good news is that Motorola will be offering a great deal for their Moto x on that day. They’ll be offering a contract-free version, a version running Android 4.4 KitKat upon first use. The price will be exactly 150 dollars cheaper than the regular pricing for the Motorola Moto X.
With this pricing being available for only one day, and if you come to think of it, it’ll cost as much as the Nexus 5: 350 dollars for the 16 GB version and 400 dollars for the 32 GB version. These prices will be available for any off-contract Moto X, including the Developer edition of the phone and personalized devices.
While the Motorola Moto X isn’t nearly as powerful as the LG Nexus 5, its main advantage will be enticing users to customize is as much as they can. Otherwise, it’s a pretty fair price, especially by Motorola’s standards. Too bad this price will only be available for a limited time only.