The Nexus One  phone is made by HTC too, and we already know that HTC is good at making phones. Why is this phone different ? It is the only one with “Google” in it’s name. This means that it is Google preferred phone and Google are the creators of Android.

Practically this phone is taken as a standard for android developers. More precicely, Android OS is made for this Phone.

Along with the excellent hardware provided by HTC we also have top performance from Android. It is actually the first phone to get the recent Android update (2.2).

Nexus One main features:

  • 1GHz Processor
  • 512 RAM
  • 512 ROM
  • 802.111/b/g wireless
  • 3g and hdspa

All these features plus the awesome Android Mobile operating system. The power for android comes for it’s developer community. We all know that Google Technology Developers are forming groups to make use from great tools provided by Google to develop software and Android was just like a birthday cake for them.

This results in an awesome applications market where you can find a lot of great free apps. There are also paid ones, but with so huge community you can find free apps done better than paid ones.

You cand find Nexus One on Amazon

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