This is a really nifty app in case you want to edit some images and add some effects to them quickly and without going into too many advanced items. Photoshop portable can do the cropping part and the more advanced modifications, but if you’re looking for some funny and/or interesting effects to add to your pictures, this app is the app for you.
Pho.to Lab is a really awesome photo editing app for your Android device and to make things even better, it doesn’t cost a cent to download and install it.
It has more than 450 really awesome effects. With this particular program the creation of a photo montage, awesome contact icons, animated effects, virtual postcards and phone wallpapers get so simple it can be done just by wiggling your finger tips a bit. It also provides a lovely user-friendly interface which most people find quite appealing. Usually that’s a good thing, since when you’re looking to do some editing, you tend to aim for the simpler and more user-friendly options, since they can be better understood by all people of all ages.
Here is a short list of a few features :
- Photo Montages with automatic face detection. What this means is adding the shape of a character around your face so that it blends perfectly. That way, you can easily transform into Darth Vader, Rambo, a tall smurf from Avatar, an astronaut or any of the Pirates of the Caribbean. Heck, it ranges anywhere from a smoking hot foxy lady to the most untouched of nuns.
- Animated Cartoon Effects : with these in your grasp you can easily transform your picture into an amusing caricature all in a matter of seconds.
- Photo Effects for the more Stylish and Trendy of people : if greatness and being on the cover of Forbes or Vogue or Playboy is your life dream and keep on dreaming, but do so with this app. You may not be there for real, but at least some of your more gullible friends may believe that you have at least once hanged out with Angelina Jolie or Jackie Chang or Lady Gaga or Dr.House or whoever else is integrated in this app.
- Well the one above is for the “fancier” people, but if you want to be classy and add yourself in other places, you can also put your face on museum walls, soccer banners, news papers or other stuff like that. You can also airbrush your face on expensive cars or leave a face-plant sign in the sand on the beach. You can do all of those, and you can do it with this app as well.
- There are also a few glow effects integrated, such as : Neon Glow, Fire, Jigsaw Puzzle, HDR, Pencil Drawing, Oil & Impressionist Painting, Chalk & Charcoal and so much more.
- You can also do Photo Collages on this thing for you and your soul-mate or for you and your friends.
Also, the programmers of this App are friendly enough as to let you create your own effects. Not as much as creating it, but to submit what you want, be it funny photo effects, photo filters, photofunia-like photo effects, mosaic collages and pretty much anything you can think of. The creators of this app overstate that they would be happy to implement your idea at the next update.
On onther notes, you can also add text to your own images, set the resulting image as a contact icon or wallpaper, save them to the phone or SD card and so on. The created photo can be sent via MMS or you can instantly post it online via FaceBook or Twitter to surprise your friends.