This is a really awesome messenger program from Google. If you’ve tried it on the PC, you will surely enjoy it on your favorite Android device as well.

Now this app has two sides, the normal Google Talk messenger and also a special video talk side to the app. Currently they’re both in beta state, but being released by Google you can expect quite high things from it.

★ Google Video Chat on your Android phone

Make free video and voice calls to all your Google contacts when they use Google Video and Voice Chat™ on their Macs and PCs or when they use Vtok on their mobile devices.

★ Supported devices ★
This is an initial beta release of the app with limited device support. Front facing cameras on the following devices are supported:
HTC Evo 4G
Google Nexus S
Google Nexus One
All devices using Android OS 2.3.x

★ Features ★

✓ Video and voice calls to Google Video and Voice Chat™ users and other Vtok mobile users.
✓ No account to sign-up. Just login with your Google/gmail account and start talking
✓ Works over Wi-Fi and 3G
✓ Devices supported are Android devices running OS version 2.1 or later.
✓ Cross platform app. You can also call Vtok users on iPhone4, iPhone 3GS and the 4th generation iPod Touch.
✓ Choose whether or not to use video in a call. You can also enable or disable video during a call
✓ Choose between front and back camera on your device
✓ Stay connected and receive calls, even when the app is closed and moved to the background

★ Call your friends on a Mac or a PC ★
Vtok users can call users of Google Video and Voice Chat users on a Mac or a PC.

Do enjoy this app, as it one of the greats.



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