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Record every important conversation with Smart Voice Recorder

How many times do you wish that you have recorded a conversation ? Maybe you forgot something important that someone told you, or you want to confront someone with something he told you on another occasion. There are many cases when you wish you have recorded it. I’ve tested many apps for voice recording and one of the best is ... Read More »

Can Sony Compete with Google Glass?

Google Glass may have been withdrawn temporarily from the consumer market, but is Sony SmartEyeglass ready to take its place? The android wearable market is becoming as tough as the market for mobile casinos, so will Sony be able to set themselves apart from the competition?   Tough Market As is often the case these days, Google has long led ... Read More »

Xiaomi Branching Out to 10 More Countries

Good news for some major-countries and a few countries in Asia – Xiaomi, one of the more interesting phone-developers from last year has recently announced that they’ll be selling to 10 more countries this year, which frankly is really good considering how well their devices did. The Chinese manufacturer’s founder and CEO – Lei Jun – delivered this news at ... Read More »

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