By now we’ve all grown quite used to the astronomical sums that Samsung generally posts in their quarterly reports. However, even they can surprise others by once in a while releasing an even higher figure. Such is the case with the first quarter’s revenue this year. What is even more surprising is what they had to say afterwards.

But let us not dilly dally and get straight to the point. First off, their financial performance was quite well within the bounds of their financial guidance released earlier this month. What this would suggest is that they have a master plan in the works ( not necessarily a bad thing, even though I may make it sound a bit dramatic ) and that things are going according to said plan.

The really strong smartphone and tablet sales of recent have pushed Samsung’s profits to nearly unheard of limits. Their operating profit was around 8.78 trillion won ( or, if you prefer, 7.9 billion dollars ). That sum is more than 50% higher than the same period of last year. Their net profit was 7.15 trillion won ( or around 6.45 billion dollars ) on a 52.87 trillion won ( or 47.6 billion dollars ) revenue. In other words, the revenue of Samsung per quarter is higher than that of many small countries’ national fund ( certainly double that of the country in which I live ).

All these things considered, still, and Samsung is expecting the imminent launch of the Galaxy S4 flagship to have an even more massive impact on the global market and the effects will be visible during the future financial quarters. There is some good news, however, for those who do not want to see the whole market being consumed by ONE large manufacturer ( although it pretty much is at the moment ).

Samsung itself said that the market is much more diversified now than it was last year. The competition alone should prove enough  of an obstacle for their ascent as there will be quite a lot of new players around to intrigue us with their devices this year. Also, certain other manufacturers have started ascending quite quickly in the leader board as well.

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