The LG Fireweb is the first device running the Firefox OS that LG released. Now opinions are shared as far as the Firefox OS is concerned: some say it’s too young, where as there are those who believe that it will grow bigger than expected and shouldn’t be underestimated. While there are more who believe that it’s still in its infancy stages, it’s a well known fact that it will surely gain more traction than expected with every large OEM hopping on its train of thought. LG is actually the first major manufacturer to premiere a Firefox OS handset as its own.

The LG Fireweb is a pretty decent smartphone in itself. It’s packing a 5 MP camera, sporting a 4 inch display with HVGA resolution ( 480 x 320 pixels ), using a 1 GHz Single-Core Qualcomm processor and featuring a built-in storage of 4 GB, while also offering support for a Micro-SD card.

The phone has been seen on sale on the Brazilian carier Vivo’s network. It will cost you about 210 dollars for a pre-paid customer, and it will go as low as 60 dollars if you get it for a contract.

There are voices out there that claim the price for this device may be sorely inflated and that under no circumstances is it worth that much. My personal recommendation would be to get a contract, if you have the possibility, and get it for the latter value of 60 dollars. While the phone may be light-years away from the stronger smartphone that LG has released, this is a totally new OS we’re looking at. Heck, it may even run smoother than an Android phone with the same configuration. Maybe I’m wrong and just speculating here, but one thing’s for sure: you would be wrong to underestimate this device and its capabilities.

Here’s a brief video of the LG Fireweb in action.

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