If you’ve been paying attention to recent events, you are probably aware of the few minor inconveniences that HTC encountered when they decided to release the HTC One flagship. There was that small incident with the shortage of components that slightly hindered their manufacturing, thus making them reduce the number of devices. Well, that problem sort of generated another one. There was this little legal confrontation with Nokia a bit later. See, when you’re on a deadline and have to deliver something, you find ways of acquiring the components you need in order to finally deliver said product. In this case, HTC bought some microphones from Nokia to use in their latest flagship and then when they were on sale, Nokia decided to recall the product ( or something similar like that ).


Recent information indicates that the injunction filled by Nokia for the dual-membrane microphone in its flagship smartphne in the Netherlands is against a supplier of components for HTC known as STMicroelectronics, and not necessarily against the Taiwanese company itself. According to the statement in the preliminary injunction, the said microphone will be manufactured exclusively for the Nokia smartphones for a limited time. HTC, however, believes that this will not affect the sales of its latest flagship.

In an official press release, HTC confirms that Nokia’s attempt to obtain a recall of the microphones already sold to the company has failed, since there was no way of HTC to know about the agreement between Nokia an ST Microelectronics. That is why the ruling against STM states that HTC can continue to use the microphones in its inventory. In the meantime, HTC will be working on an improved mic design and will get another supplier for when the STM mic supply is depleted.

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