It is common knowledge that some time ago, Google purchased Motorola. What came as a bit of surprised to all is the fact that Google wasn’t very satisfied with their purchase afterwards. You see, along with the buy-out, Google inherited around 18 months worth of product pipeline. That included a few models such as the RAZR HD and RAZR M. As great phones those I just mentioned may be, Google seems to think they are not quite up to their standards.
During a press conference, Google’s Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Patrick Pichette, said that the current products of Motorola’s pipeline are “not really to the standards that what Google would say is wow – innovative, transformative”. As awful as that may sound, it was also brutally honest. However, Pichette did not stop there. He proceeded to comment “We’ve inherited 18 months of pipeline that we actually have to drain right now, while we’re actually building the next wave of innovation and product lines”.
Some rumors have also been circulating about Google working on an X Phone with Motorola. There are those who are even epecting it to be announced at this year’s Google I/O. However, now that it is known that Google still has several months to go before they empty Motorola’s current pipeline of products, the mythical X Phone seems to be pretty far away and it won’t be getting any closer any time soon.
Only time will tell, however, whether or not this new phone will come out soon. Who knows, maybe a miracle will occur and they’ll manage to put it into production sooner than expected.