It has been some time since I reviewed an interesting Android Game, and what better game to start with than a Free one? Now as many free games are, you may think that this game too gets boring fast or isn’t worth the time. I beg to differ, however. Also, if you have an older phone, it’s all good as this game will run smooth on most devices you put it on. Personally, I have a fairly old device and most games I can run from the new ones are puzzlers. It’s all good, however, as with puzzlers you get hours and hours on end worth of entertainment. While many puzzle games seem to be a bit high strung and become somewhat boring, that can’t really be said about this one. Its mechanic is fairly simple and quite addictive. Better yet, it won’t set back you wallet at all.

Now you may wonder, what exactly does the creator gain if this game is free to play? Well, it successfully implements the Free 2 Play mechanic from MMO games on the PC: it allows you to play the game with all of its features and if you want to, you can buy certain unlockables for real cash. Of course, you can do without them just as well. This payment mechanic generally encourages the customer to Pay As Much As You Like. It’s simple, really: if you want to and can, you can help the creator, if you don’t you won’t and so be it.


  • Oil and water sound effects
  • Calm and relaxing background music
  • Easy and Hard levels
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo
  • HD graphics
  • Localized for 6 languages
  • Unlock Atlantis!


The gaming mechanic of this game, as I’ve already mentioned, is relatively simple. You are given a board with many shapes and colors and a starting point. Your goal is to make all the colors the same in order for them to match. Each level has a number of steps it can be completed in ( displayed in the right side of the screen ). There are 3 stars to collect for each level and so forth. The game may not seem as easy as it looks for some ( while it will be extremely easy for others ).

I urge you to at least give it a shot, as the game doesn’t really cost you anything. It can prove to be more relaxing and enjoyable than you might think.

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