Just when we thought that advancements in Mobile technology had come to a standstill, the Smartwatch was introduced to the public, with hopes of carving a new place for itself in the mobile device industry. And its creators were off to a great start — this Innovative device gives users the ability to do just about anything that they could with their smartphones and tablets, even play games. The only difference being their placement on the wrist, which made them significantly more portable and convenient. Imagine, if you wanted to check your email messages, a mere glance at your wrist would make this possible with a smartwatch.

Although it offers many possibilities, as of right now, gaming has not played a significant role in the popularity of the smartwatch. Most of the apps available for these devices are things that make daily life more convenient and help us reach our fitness goals, which isn’t that bad when you think about it. These capabilities come in quite handy and due to its placement on your wrist, smartwatches can simplify daily life quite a bit.

The issue that most seem to be having with these devices centers around gaming. The majority of the options that are available on these devices are only appealing to fans of the classics, like Tetris and Pac-Man. But, as you can imagine, software developers are eager to take a hold of this new mobile Trend and are hoping to change things in the very near future. In other words, the Smartwatch is about to go through a tremendous amount of growth that may make all this negative press obsolete. This is especially true when you consider that apps weren’t all that popular when they came on the scene. But, based on their high levels of functionality, many of us cannot imagine our lives without these software applications.

Currently, the Apple watch is leading the way when it comes to gaming technology for the smart watch. But, online gaming has come to Android based smart watches as well. Android’s attempts to take over their main competitor will only lead to good news for the consumer. The ensuing competition between these two technology giants will lead to innovations that many of us have never even dreamed possible.

As the SmartWatch industry begins to expand its reach into the world of online gaming, many popular casino sites are welcoming this new technology with open arms. Even wintingo online casino has decided to throw its hat into this new area. This reputable online Casino entertainment site is dedicated to putting the excitement of 24/7 Casino gaming at the fingertips of its fans. They offer a large selection of many favorite casino games to play for real cash as well as a variety of generous bonuses and promotions to make gameplay even better.

There are some who are skeptical about the future of SmartWatches and gaming. And if you look at many of the current offerings on the market, it’s relatively easy to see why they’ve formed a negative opinion of this new technology. But proponents of smartwatches, who are eager to see even more advancements in Mobile technology, believe that the increased competition in this sector of the industry between juggernauts like Apple and Android will lead to rapid growth. This is even more likely if game developers take the snack size approach that has made gaming on other mobile devices so popular. Still, it’s important to note that since SmartWatches are short session, high-frequency devices, there are some changes that will have to be made. For instance, their interfaces will have to be made simpler, like a menu based or One Touch system, and they will have to offer games with shortened play times to succeed in this particular area.

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