Google’s I/O is just around the corner ( a few hours away, to be precise ) and more and more info is leaking about what’s going to be presented there. Hints have been laid out that the founders of Android will finally showcase a new version of the beloved operating system, this one starting with the letter “L”.

There are some that would paint this as an attention-seeking move with an ulterior motive. You see, recently Apple has announced its iOS 8 and there are those who would say this is Google’s attempt to match, or even steal the spotlight, from the announced made by Apple. However, were it up to me, I wouldn’t really give it much thought – I say let Apple have their little moment – they only get it once an year, after all.

Now back to the matters at hand, this latest version of Android, while it will be show-cased and demonstrated a bit at this year’s Developer Conference, won’t be released until later on this year. This would be the first time in history when Google chooses to preview its software this early on.

Among the other big attractions at this year’s Google I/O will be some neat tools for developers to use in the latest Android build and a large accent will be put on Android Wear, or Google’s take on the wearable device market. With this trend unfolding the way it is, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see more manufacturers partnering up in order to get in on all the wearable action.

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