I believe I’ve mentioned this app as comparison base for the many other keyboard apps out there. And why not use it as comparison for the many keyboard apps out there ? It’s obviously one of the best typing apps out there.
The major problem with most smartphones is the fact that typing is made difficult in your everyday tasks. The main reason this app is so good at what it does is the fact that you draw on the screen to create the words that you intend to write. It uses a really smart – yet quirky at times – prediction service. It may take a few tries before you actually get the right word, but it’s still pretty damn fast.
All and all, this app is pretty useful and practical. You honestly won’t regret trying it. Most new phones already have it equipped, but if you don’t have it, you can get it from the Internet.
Also, there are many other swype-similar apps out there you could try. For more of these apps, just look under the App section of this website.
Walter Sneader
Swipe has been rendered obsolete by Slide-It.