Normally I don’t do reviews for anything that starts with an “i” since I believe that it isn’t a very good nomenclature for anything. However, this app is anything but normal. This app brings an answer to all the would-be stalkers and people that want to be God so that they can see everything.
This app allows you to connect to hundreds of pages of cameras around the world and take control of them. Now you may be wondering “Is this legal?”. Why, of course it is. After all, those cameras that you are connecting to were made especially for people to connect to and enjoy them.
Perhaps you wondered at some point of your life what it would be like to view the world through a surveillance camera, or perhaps you had your eyes on a location for a vacation and wanted to see first what it’s like, or perhaps you just want to keep your eyes on a dock or on a certain train station to see who travels through there. Well, for less than a dollar, this application gives you access to all of those things.
Features :
- This application allows you to view and control thousands of public video cameras from around the world in real-time from your Android device, all via Wi-Fi, 3G and EDGE
- You can swipe back and forth between hundreds of pages of camera thumbnails that are updating in real-time
- You can tap on a thumbnail to zoom in and double tap on it to zoom back out
- If the certain camera you are viewing supports it, you can tap on the Control button to take control of it ( although, for some more popular ones you may have to stand in an orderly line to get your turn )
- You can swipe to move the camera and pinch to zoom in and out ( again, certain cameras may not support the zoom option )
- You can choose from a wide number of available camera presets
- If you like a certain camera and would like to keep track of it you can add it to your Favorites
- Like a location so much you want to take a picture of it and post it wherever you post it? Take a snapshot of it and add it right to your Gallery
- Also, you can actively participate in the community by rating the cameras.
Description :
This application has been the #1 Paid iPhone App in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Korea and Croatia as well as the #1 Paid iPhone Entertainment App in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia. Also, this was one of the Top 10 Bestselling Paid Entertainment iPad Apps of 2010. Also, it may be worth mentioning that all the cameras are Live and nothing is pre-recorded.
Daily updates are made to remove any of the thousands of cameras from the data base that have temporarily gone offline. Also, new high quality cameras are added weekly. You can choose the “Most Recent” tab from the menu to see the latest added live cams. To view cameras from a specific area choose “Search” from the menu. You can send the creator of the app an e-mail if you would like to request a camera in a specific area.
Also, in the menu you can find the following : Random ( displaying a random selection of cameras ), Top Rated ( displaying only the cameras with the highest rating ), Most Recent ( displaying the newest additions to the party ) and Favorites ( displaying the ones added to your Favorites ). Also, you can search the database by the following criteria : Category, Country, State, City or even Keywords.
Here is a video to demonstrate what it can do. Just click HERE.
You can get this awesome app from Amazon.