With the whole world buzzing about the Samsung Galaxy S IV, we almost lost count of the important things. Granted, while this little bit of news may not be as important as the announcement of the Galaxy S IV and its availability for pre-orders worldwide, it’s still an important feat accomplished by Samsung which deserves a bit of recognition and should not be forgotten. The golden run of Samsung at the tops started with the Galaxy S, and ever since then, the company has not once looked back. The Galaxy S series have been the most popular Android devices in the market and the South Korean company has reached another milestone with its third-generation Galaxy S smartphone.

According to JK Shin, Samsung has managed to sell over 50 million Galaxy S III units worldwide. Surprisingly enough, the smartphone is still selling quite well even despite the fact that it has existed for almost a year now. The Samsung chief has also revealed that the company is in the process of merging Bada into Tizen and the first smartphone with the newest OS will be available around Q3 of this year.

In the meantime, Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone has its work cut out and the 4th gen of Galaxy S smartphone has a mountain to climb in terms of sales in order to beat its predecessor ( but we all know that inevitably, it will happen ). Despite all that, analysts predict the sales of the Galaxy S4 to reach a whopping 100 million so it might just succeed in the end. Only time will tell what there is to happen with this new flagship, but we all know that it will prevail in the end without much effort.

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