This is a game specifically designed for those of you who have preschool kids. It’s a connect the dots game, as the name suggests. Children adore these kinds of games and is quite a complex one as well. You also have the element of surprise constantly on your side since the dot creations aren’t at all repetitive and can surprise you at all times.

When your kid succeeds in connecting all of the dots, the outline is delightfully transformed into a colorful graphic. The resulting image varies between : a tree, a snow globe or a gingerbread man and so much more. Preschoolers are usually surprised (then again, impressing them isn’t that much of a challenge) and filled with wonder to see the creatures and objects they have created “come to life”.

Choosing the play button immediately begins a connect-the-dot adventure. With a preschool-friendly interface, the app is simple enough for your child to play without any help. The dots may be customized to display upper or lower case alphabet letters, and odd or even numbers. The child can connect the dots by either finger-drag drawing or single tapping from dot-to-dot. As he or she progresses, the next dot lights up. This hint command may be controlled to occur immediately or after the screen has been idle for three seconds.

You can get this little app for your little child from the Android Market, among other places.


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