Garmin is a really popular GPS. Actually, it’s one of the best GPS devices out there. It has some of the most correct maps and navigational charts. The unfortunate disadvantage of Garmin is the fact that it is not available for Android. However, threat not, for I am here to provide you with a few good alternatives.
First off, iGO My Way. This is a pretty useful app that works quite will with the A-GPS supporting phones. The advantage of this GPS/navigational app is the fact that it does not require an active network connection for the phones that actually have that A-GPS support. The biggest disadvantage of this app would be the one all GPS apps have – incredibly high battery use.
I have written a full article about iGO My Way some time ago, but if you want to know more about it, just keep reading :
If you have a phone with A-GPS support, you will probably have use of this app. Not everyone, but in case you need a GPS and don’t want your mobile internet bill to skyrocket, this app is the right app for you.
This app cannot be found on the Android Market since it is a multi-OS application available for every huge OS out there : Android, iOS, Windows Phone etc.
What does this app do exactly ? The GPS usually uses a network connection in order to broadcast your navigation in live feed. Otherwise, you’re just looking at a static map, without actually knowing where you are or being able to plot a route.
Now the phones that support A-GPS have an included GPS system of their own ( a real battery killer – only recommended if the phone is charging while doing it ). This app taps into the included GPS system of the phone and uses it.
I have tried this app myself and can vouch for its genuine-ship.
You can find many other navigational apps out there too, but finding one that can work with the Garmin maps is quite hard. Still, if all else fails, iGO My Way can really help you get out of a jam.