Can’t find your phone? With this new app, all you have to do is yell out a keyphrase, and your device will reveal itself by blaring an alarm from up to 50 feet away

The app is called Blare, and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store for free!

After downloading Blare, just set your keyphrase…it could be something like “Phone, where are you”, or even something more personalized like “Lucian is awesome”. Then, say your keyword from anywhere in the room to make your device reveal itself. It doesn’t matter if your phone is locked or on silent. Whenever you say this keyphrase, your device will Blare by ringing an alarm, flashing its light, and vibrating.

The next time your phone falls between the couch cushions, or is buried under a pile of clothes, just say your voice recognition keyphrase and your phone will find itself! So don’t wait until the next time your phone slithers its way into the depths of your cushions — download the app here!

1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Anderson

    Hey Lucian,

    Its really an amazing app. Thanks for the suggestion. I struggled a lot to find my phone during the early as it burried inside the pile of pillows. I was searching for it for more than an hour. Hurray! I don’t need to search for it for a very long time. Kudos for your efforts.

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