The Samsung Galaxy Mega had enough success as to spawn a line from what was a single phone, thus giving birth to the Galaxy Mega line-up. Now, it seems, the Galaxy Mega 2 had most of its important specs leaked for the […]
While I don’t really agree to this “starve the masses, therefore they’ll want more” sales tactic, I have to hand it to Xiaomi – it seems to be paying off. Immoral as it may be from my perspective, this tactic of achieving […]
I’ve often thought that tablets were a lost cause, but it falls yet again to Samsung to raise my morale about it and finally make something that’s in line with the world. My main problem with tablets was that they all seemed […]
Microsoft is thinking of releasing another Nokia of the Android-running type – the Nokia X2 which has a new version of the X platform ( 2.0 ) pre-installed on it. Where Microsoft made a grave mistake, however, was when they decided to […]
Google’s I/O is just around the corner ( a few hours away, to be precise ) and more and more info is leaking about what’s going to be presented there. Hints have been laid out that the founders of Android will finally […]