Android operating system already provides the ability to see what apps are using data from your cellular network, but the information is basic. To get a better picture of what apps are really using your mobile data and when, I recommend GlassWire. […]
A phone is an extension of ourselves, and between both Apple iOS and Android software, there are hundreds of options made explicably to customize our devices. Of course, there are preferences pertaining to which operating system appears more beneficial, while taking factors […]
Thanks to Android and smartphones I am finally able to throw away my scanner. Scanning documents is an important process in my plan to turn completely digital and forget about carrying the map with documents. However, a lot of important documents and […]
If you are a web developer you know that you must provide support to the websites you make whenever something bad happens. More often than not, these bad things seems to happen on the most inappropriate times. Few years ago, a website […]
How many times do you wish that you have recorded a conversation ? Maybe you forgot something important that someone told you, or you want to confront someone with something he told you on another occasion. There are many cases when you […]