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Who buys very expensive smartphones ?

I know that people want to have the newest smartphones, high quality, high performance, good design, but some prices are just outrageous. They are usually labelled under: “limited edition” and cost few thousand dollars. I am trying to figure out who is buying these and why they do it. For example, this Samsung Galaxy S6 edge limited edition costs over ... Read More »

Are mobile overlay ads the new desktop pop-ups ?

Those who have been around Internet Marketing 10 years ago remember browser pop-ups, pop-unders, pop-exit and many more ads that ruined the browsing experience. When the ecosystem started to understand that pop-ups are a real problem, they were blamed and soon only shady websites were using it ( gambling, porn, etc ). Today, when mobiles devices ( smartphones, tablets ), ... Read More »

Track your data and Wifi usage with GlassWire

Android operating system already provides the ability to see what apps are using data from your cellular network, but the information is basic. To get a better picture of what apps are really using your mobile data and when, I recommend GlassWire. It is available for free in Google Play Store. It shows nice graphs and you can see exactly ... Read More »

Thinking of Rooting Your Phone? 5 Applications by JRummy That Bring New Meaning to Device Customization

A phone is an extension of ourselves, and between both Apple iOS and Android software, there are hundreds of options made explicably to customize our devices. Of course, there are preferences pertaining to which operating system appears more beneficial, while taking factors such as popularity and positive user experience into consideration, but there are also ways to modify the operating ... Read More »

Best document scanner app I’ve used so far

Thanks to Android and smartphones I am finally able to throw away my scanner. Scanning documents is an important process in my plan to turn completely digital and forget about carrying the map with documents. However, a lot of important documents and books need to be scanned. With the advance in smartphone cameras, if used right and with the right ... Read More »

Web development on Android

If you are a web developer you know that you must provide support to the websites you make whenever something bad happens. More often than not, these bad things seems to happen on the most inappropriate times. Few years ago, a website crashed while I was on a cruise ship, stationed in Morocco. I had Internet access from my mobile ... Read More »

What good budget smartphones you can get in 2017

I’ve done some research about smartphones available on the market and instead focusing on high-end phones ones that you have to pay $700+, I focused on almost as good phones but that you can find at half price. I’ve excluded devices from companies like Huawei, Lenovo, ZTE. They make good phones, but Chinese companies have a reputation of making not-so-good ... Read More »

SixSquares – unique concept addictive puzzle game

When I first heard about it I said in my mind: “not another android puzzle game”, but I tried it anyway. At first try, I didn’t know what do to, but when I realized I understand why it is so different than other puzzle games. I was immediately addicted to this brand new concept. SixSquares is based on six blocks arranged ... Read More »

Google Glass Project, where is it now ?

There are some rumors in press predict Google to prepare a relaunch of Google Glass. Some will say that Google glass was a total failure, others, including me, says that Google Glass can be successful. I believe this because I remember the hype that google glass had at launch. Few years ago Google sold a limited number of google glass ... Read More »

Have some time to spare ? Try Acorn Drift

Acorn Drift is a brand new indie game, developed by a talented Romanian app developer. You control a vehicle on a 2 lane road and you need to avoid obstacles and to collect acorns. It is fun and time consuming. You can get this game from google play: Acorn drift.   Read More »

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